Joy's Tale

Rescued. Adopted. Loved.

The Princess and the Beach…

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At this time of the year in Southwest Florida, the heat can be taxing. If you get up very early though, it’s okay to be out and about, so that is what we did so I could try taking Joy to the beach one more time before we head North. I stopped at a different part of the beach and it was very pretty. The houses were set far from the shore, which made it a lot nicer than  when we stopped the first time. The Atlantic was so warm; well into the 80’s, hot and salty like a good pretzel at a ballgame.

It was breezy that morning, which made for louder than usual wave talking, which Joy was not sure how to interpret. As the waves crashed upon the white, sandy shore she backed up, which is Border Collie specialty anyway. “No thanks,” I think she thought. “Princesses are not supposed to get wet unless they are in the shower.” I am sure that is what she was thinking.  Joy thinks likes a princess and I am glad she does. Her Grandma Summers, who had the high intelligence to rescue her told me that she was a princess before I ever met her. Dr. Summers thinks princesses get a bad rap. “Princess do good,” she has told me, pointing out the marvelous example of Princess Diana. “They are social, hard-working, they help people and are charitable. I think princesses are great,” she said, adding that I too am a princess. Dr. Summers has told me more than once that Joy a nd I were perfect for each other because we are both princess-like. I take it as a compliment. In fact, my dad always told me I was his princess, so I think I was raised to be one anyway and I agree that princesses are do-gooder types and should not be looked down upon.

As a lady stopped d to pet Joy, she marveled at how sweet she was and how pretty her coat and colors are. “She is really beautiful. What a good-looking little girl,” she said, lovingly stroking the top of Joy’s head. Joy loves being paid attention to and loves when people love her. The funny thing about Joy is she knows who is good and who is not immediately! That lady was no problem, someone else might come up to say hello and she suddenly sounds like a big dog that you do not want to pet. Dogs know things and Joy certainly had enough experience with the horrible puppy mill people who treated her unkindly and she has not forgotten. Not yet. She just turned 3 on Mother’s Day so the memories are not foggy. Someday they will be but I think dogs know things and are quite keen on picking out the good from the bad. I think it’s  a beautiful, innate quality they have and Joy is no exception. She is a finely tuned detective of good and evil.

Even though going in the ocean or a pool is not for her, she likes to be on the water in a boat or near the water on a dock, a marina, or a beach. I think she just likes to be with us – close, protective and leading the way, that is what princesses do.

Author: Sherri Maddick

I have loved animals my entire life. I am the mom of Joy the Border Collie and Sabie the buff cat. I advocate for animals with my voice and pocketbook.

One thought on “The Princess and the Beach…

  1. Once upon a time there lived a Little Red Headed Princess who was being held captive in a horrible puppy mill. One day a Rescuer came for her and she was whisked away to a land of green pastures where she could run and play and wait for the something wonderful that she was told would happen to her. On the day set aside to honor all Mothers of the land the Little Red Headed Princess was feeling sad at the memories of her own dear puppies that had been ripped from her side just a few weeks after their births in the land where dogs are held in cages and tortured day in and day out. Cutting through her despair she heard the now familiar gentle voice of her Rescuer. “Come my Joy there is someone who has been waiting a long time to meet you.” Knowing that good things always happened when she followed her Rescuer, Joy jumped up and gladly followed right along. All at once Joy was over come by a feeling, one she was only just beginning to understand. The feeling made her hurt and loneliness disappear. It filled her with a sense of safety, comfort and belonging and that someone cared just for her. As Joy looked around for the source of this feeling her eyes mirrored those of another. Joy rushed ahead leaving her Rescuer behind, no longer in need of her care. For she had found the wonderful something that she had been told would come. The Little Red Headed Princess over whelmed with her own joy could not hold back her kisses of gratitude. She opened her eyes and saw that the feeling was a beautiful lady who smiled and kiseed her right back. “How would you like to come and live with me and be my Princess Joy?” Her sorrow had melted away with a kiss. And Joy knew that could only mean one thing, that her new Mom was a Princess too. The two Princesses Lived Happily Everafter. No Endings, Just New Beginnings……Memoirs of a Rescuer Grandma Summers

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